Become a Member


Online Application Form
Refund Policy:  All sales are full and final, there are no refunds. 

    Member Name (required)

    Home Phone (required)

    Work Phone (required)

    Cell Phone (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Number of eligible members per household: (required)


    (Under 16)

    Harbor Beach Address: (required)

    Mailing Address (required)

    I have read and accept the Rules and Regulations governing my Harbor Beach Surf Club membership. I understand and accept that membership in the Surf Club is available only to property owners in Harbor Beach and my membership may not be transferred nor assigned for any reason at any time. I further understand and accept that access and use of the Club is for Members in good standing and their respective families that from time to time collectively reside at the Member’s property on a permanent or temporary (vacation) basis. For the purposes of clarity, family Members include lineal relationships to the property owner (parents, siblings, children and grandchildren) and are allowed use of a Member’s Access Card. Renters unrelated to a Member or non-Members are not allowed use of an Access Card and will be denied access unless accompanied by a Member in good standing. I further understand and accept that failure to abide by the governing rules and regulations will result in termination of my membership and forfeiture of any paid membership dues.

    Check box to accept, then press send below.

    Comments are closed.